
Home » Services » Extractions

Keeping your whole mouth healthy

At Oaklands Dental, we believe that, whenever possible, holding on to your own healthy teeth is the best option to keep you smiling! Occasionally, however, we might come across a tooth that is damaged so extensively, either by tooth decay, gum disease or trauma, that extraction is the best course of action.

The removal of a single tooth can lead to jaw problems, problems chewing, as well as cause shifting teeth, all of which can have a major impact on your dental health.

To avoid these complications, in most cases, Dr. Girard will discuss alternatives to extractions and replacement options for the extracted tooth.

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Oaklands Dental in Victoria BC
1581 Hillside Ave #202, Victoria, BC V8T 2C1

Office Hours
Monday to Thursday:  8:30am – 4:30pm
(7:30am Hygiene Appointments Available!)

Office Hours
Monday to Thursday:  8:30am – 4:30pm
(7:30am Hygiene Appointments Available!)